While I appreciate not having to visit every site I like one by one, I find the long list of RSS feeds makes me feel more stressed than assisted lately. Always working to make things better, I decided that it was essential to try a new system. I would edit down my subscriptions to the few I never missed; that I searched for in the list of hundreds. But before I did that, I looked at what I needed/was looking to gain from the feeds I read. Those three things are: to be better at my job (and more efficient), to be savvy about world events (I do not watch the news on television), and to be amused and have my brain expanded (really, my two favorite things).
This doesn't mean that I'll give up the rest forever, or that it won't evolve. All good systems should. I'll still be reading the Twitter feed, and there I'll see posts when people have a new blog entry or when there's a new relevant article. If one sparks my brain or is timely, I'll read it.
What are you looking to gain from your feed?
I will list the ones I settle on in a future post.